Check out these tips to see what actions we can take.
Pre-cool home by lowering AC
Use major appliances
Close window coverings
Set AC to 78 or higher, if health permits
Avoid using major appliances
Turn off unnecessary lights
A Flex Alert is typically issued in the summer when extremely hot weather drives up electricity use, making the available power supply scarce. This usually happens in the evening hours when solar generation is going offline and consumers are returning home and switching on air conditioners, lights, and appliances.
VIEW CURRENT GRID CONDITIONSAnd when you help unplug an outage, you get money back.
The California Public Utilities Commission created a new incentive, the Emergency Load Reduction program that compensates consumers who reduce their electricity use when a Flex Alert is in effect. Pacific, Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE) and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) each manage their program for their customers. For more information on how to participate in their Flex Alert Power Saver Rewards program, click on your utility: